[vc_row css_animation= » » row_type= »row » use_row_as_full_screen_section= »no » type= »full_width » angled_section= »no » text_align= »left » background_image_as_pattern= »without_pattern »][vc_column][vc_empty_space height= »52px »][vc_column_text]Bien évidemment étant à Dubai, tout est écrit en arabe ou en anglais.
When you open a business, you need a permit, known here as a license. This must be renewed every year and costs several thousand euros. The exact price depends on the category and the commercial rights it grants you. Some fields of activity require you to have physical offices, others do not, some recommend insurance and sureties, others do not. Once again, it all depends on the industry you're entering. Once you've opened your business, you'll automatically be issued with a resident's visa, and you'll even have extras for your future employees. (The number of visas issued to companies is limited by their size).
Let's get back to those who choose to look for a job on the spot. To land the job of your dreams, first arm yourself with patience and determination. You'll also need to adapt your CV to the Anglo-Saxon CV model, and of course write it in English. You should know that speaking, reading and writing Arabic, in addition to English and French, is a considerable asset in the Emirates. So if, in addition, you speak Russian or Chinese, you've almost won everything. However, luck can smile on all of you, and even sooner than you think, as a person usually finds the right job within 3 to 6 months. Sol de Dubai's advice is not to set your sights too high at first, but rather to look for a job in Dubai, whatever it may be, just to get a first experience in the Emirates and also a visa that will enable you to settle here. In fact, a tourist visa alone would allow you to stay in the country for 3 months, after which you'd have to leave for another 3 months or face a fine. It will be quick and easy for you to find a better job once you've gained some experience in the country. What's more, Dubai companies have the same working system as the Anglo-Saxons. It's quick and easy to climb the corporate ladder if you're productive and efficient. You can be given new responsibilities fairly quickly, if you're motivated and determined, but to do so you'll have to forget the comforts of the French employment system (here, working weeks are around 40 hours). The most effective channels for finding work in Dubai are websites and local recruitment agencies. Websites include: bayt.com monstergulf.com indeed.ae gulftalent.com naukrigulf.com.
As each recruitment agency specializes in a specific field, you'll need to search the Internet to find the one that matches your profile. Once you've found the agency that specializes in your field, we urge you to contact them and tell them what you're looking for. Repeat the process several times until you get a response. Bear in mind that they receive dozens of applications a day, and can sometimes miss some or take a long time to respond. There's also the social network LinkedIn, which works very well for being spotted and approached by your future employer. It's up to you to develop your page and include key information that will make your phone ring. Finding a job isn't everything, you also have to settle in. In Dubai, the real estate system requires you to pay rent on a yearly, half-yearly or quarterly basis. You'll need to budget accordingly for your first steps in the city of your dreams.
Bonne recherche et Bonne chance à tous.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height= »52px »][/vc_column][/vc_row]